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  • Education in sculpture
  • Education as a professional photographer in the Hanns Bühner Studios

  • Managing partner of various film production companies,
  • Manager of the director, author and actor Leander Haußmann (“Die Sonnenalle”, “Herr Lehmann”, “Hotel Lux”, “Robert Zimmermann wundert sich über die Liebe”)
  • Managing partner of the “Laughing Horse Group”, which publishes the group “Echt“, among others. The Echt hit “Du trägst keine Liebe in Dir” was awarded the Echo, the Bambi, the Golden Camera and gold records, among others. Other artists with whom the “Laughing Horse Group” has worked include Credit to the Nation, Anna Loos, Kristopher Ragnstam and John Wetton.
  • Co-producer “Werner II – Das Muss Kesseln”

Schröder was a music and film producer and won many awards with advertising. Now he is returning to his true love: sculpture.

It is an unusually dark room for a sculptor…..read more

  • Certificate for Creative Excellence >U.S. Industrial Film & Video Festival Chicago
  • Gold Medal and Silver Medal > The New York Festival
  • Master of Excellence und Award of Master for Best Animation, Corporate Video & TV Stuttgart, Award of Master, Corporate Video & TV Stuttgart)
  • Several national and international awards: Golden Records, Golden Camera, Bambi, IFPI, Echo.

  • Exhibition of current works in the gallery “artworks-hamburg” >>> work in progress of a life-size statue
  • Exhibition in Frankfurt at the Arque Charity Gala in cooperation with “The Fith Quarter” – Roland Birr
  • 3D “Smart Art” exhibition in Dresden
  • Exhibition in Hamburg VR “Tower Tales”
  • Exhibition in Hamburg at the Fotocompany “Photography and Sculpture”

  • Permanent exhibition of Schröder’s photographs in the “Altes Pastorat” in Bochum/Germany.
  • Permanent exhibition in Hamburg in the former customs house (late Baroque)
  • Schröder works as a freelance sculptor and photographer and is widely active as a media consultant for film and music productions.

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